Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Riding the Talimena Parkway - A "Granny Gear" Kind of Day

Day 17
Tuesday, September 29, 2015
McAlester, OK to Queen Wilhelmena Lodge, AK
98 miles
7,500 feet of climbing

Today was a big day on the bike; we rode the Talimena Parkway - a national scenic byway shared by southeastern Oklahoma and western Arkansas.  It winds 54 miles in the Ouachita National Forest along the highest peaks of the Winding Stair Mountains.  Translation: a very hilly ride with gorgeous scenery. We didn't get to the Talimena Parkway until mile 59 of today's route, and we had a bit of gentle climbing before we got there - 2,500 feet worth.  But it was a good way to get our legs warmed up for the sufferfest that was awaiting us.  I ended up with a flat tire about two miles before the second rest stop at mile 51, but I was able to change it quickly with the assistance of fellow rider (and fellow attorney) Bob E., who even carried my punctured tube to the rest stop for me because I had no place to stuff it.  Once we made the turn onto the Talimena Parkway, the steep climbing began immediately.  There were many vista points along the way to pull off and take pictures (and rest).  We crossed into Arkansas at mile 93.  Our lodging for the night is the amazing Queen Wilhelmena Lodge - a resort hotel known as the "Castle in the Sky."  After dinner, we walked around the grounds to enjoy the views.  Although it was a challenging day due to all the steep climbs, it was one of the best days on this tour, so far.  Beautiful weather, magnificent scenery (tough climbs) and good folks with whom to share it - it just doesn't get any better than that! 

Elevation profile of today's ride
Rest stop fare - yum!
The Talimena Parkway - get your climbing legs ready!
Talimena Art
Me at Lenox Vista
Up and over one of the climbs
Hello, Arkansas!
My great bike did a great job climbing for me today.
Me & Art at a lookout at the Queen Wilhelmena Lodge
Art & Tim looking way too serious in comfy rocking chairs on the porch of the Queen Wilhelmena Lodge. 
Our map of progress - moving right along!

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