Friday, September 25, 2015

A Big Texan Kind of Day

Day 12
Thursday, September 24, 2015
Clovis, NM to Amarillo, TX
111 miles
879 feet of climbing

Today we crossed over into the great state of Texas - the fourth state of our tour!  The day started out with overcast skies.  There was a slight chance of rain all day, so Art & I decided to carry our rain gear with us.  We consider it cheap insurance: the chance of rain if we didn't carry our rain gear is 100%, but the percentage is significantly reduced if we are prepared for rain.  That's just life, folks.  Today was the flattest ride of the tour so far, so we were able to move along at a fairly decent pace, despite a moderate crosswind.  The cloudy skies kept the temperature comfortable as we rode, and I am pleased to report we did not get rained on.  It was a pleasant ride, although, like yesterday, not a whole lot to look at.  The area we rode was quite rural with many cattle ranches.  We passed some cattle feed lots that made me glad I am a vegetarian.  We arrived in Amarillo just after 3:00 p.m., but we changed time zones, so it was really after 4:00.  Our lodging for the night is the Big Texan Restaurant and Motel - a fun, unique establishment that characterizes all the attributes that come to mind when one thinks of Texas.  I'll let the pictures do the explaining.  We had a fantastic dinner at the Big Texan State Ranch with Brian Tom N., Ed P., and Tim L.  It was a perfect Texas ending to a great Texas day of riding.

Elevation profile of today's ride
Started the day with overcast skies.  It had rained during the night, but we dodged the predicted rain all day.
Ed crossing into the state of Texas
Art - thrilled that his bike is back to shifting properly

Lon (our tour director) and Bill from Australia
The Big Texan Restaurant and Motel
You can get a 72 oz. steak for free  if you take on the challenge and are able to consume said steak  - along with a salad, baked potato, and buttered roll - in under 60 minutes.  What a deal, huh?

This is the motel part.  Our rooms were very nice and had a western motif.
Me and Cynthia (Cynthia rides a recumbent bike)
Bob E. saying "hello" to his wife

The motel's swimming pool is in the shape of the State of Texas.
The restaurant adjacent to the motel
Brian & Art at the bar

Everything is big in Texas - even the chairs
Woman v. Food.  This lady took on the restaurant's 72 oz. steak eating challenge,  Here,she is only about 12 minutes in.  She did not succeed.
Funnest dinner table ever: Art, me, Brian, Tom N., Tim L. (and Ed, who is taking the picture)
Charlie, Bill, Giselle and Jonathan (a.k.a. Dr. J)
Marcey and tandem team Karen and Sid
Jill and Bill from Wyoming
Jim S., Lynn, Greg, Chris, Eddie and Jim M.

Awesome crew memebers Dave, Veronica and Barb
Gerry, Bob E and Mark
Eleanor, Herb, Mike, Robert K. and Frode
Eric and Alan


  1. I hate to tell you but you need to back up, you forgot to go through Colorado.

  2. But seriously, Art is looking forward to seeing you in San Diego next month.
