Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Welcome to Georgia, Y'all!

Day 25
Wednesday, October 7, 2015
Eufaula, AL to Perry, GA
120 miles
4,700 feet of climbing

Today, at mile four of our route, we crossed into Georgia - the ninth and last state of our transcontinental bicycle ride.  That means in just two more days, we'll actually run out of road and splash right into the Atlantic Ocean!  I've always wanted to speak with a southern accent, so now I can do it without feeling out-of-place (as long as there's no one around who knows I don't really have a southern accent).  It was yet another amazing day on the bike.  Our route provided mile after mile of beautiful scenery, great rolling hills (some big, some small), and quiet country roads.   We rode through Providence Canyon State Park this morning, which was absolutely breathtaking.  Our bike wheels rolled through the small towns of Richland, Preston, Friendship, and Ellaville.  We had lunch in Andersonville, where we were provided the opportunity to visit the Andersonville National Historic Site - a memorial to all American prisoners of war throughout the nation's history.  After lunch, we rode through many farm fields and pecan groves.  We changed to the eastern time zone when we crossed the state line into Georgia, so when we arrived in Perry, we moved our watches forward one hour.  Tonight, PAC Tour hosted an ice cream social for us, which is always a fun way to end the day.  I love getting together with the other riders from our group and hear about their experiences of the day.  Right now, it's time for some shut eye!

Elevation profile of today's ride (y'all)
Me crossing the state line into Georgia
Crossing the Chattahoochee River (a.k.a. Lake Eufaula)
Sights from the road
Art riding in Providence Canyon State Park
Brian of Terre Haute, Indiana
Beautiful tree-lined roads

Veronica displaying her wound from her crash today (thankfully, she is otherwise unscathed).  Dave is at left, smiling, as usual.
Me and Tommy D.
Only two more days - the Atlantic awaits!


  1. Hi Rose, for some reason I just realized you and Art were on this great challenging adventure.... again. That is awesome. You guys are quite the inspiration to cyclists everywhere. At least I can say "I knew you when..." Congratulations! Charlie Varela

  2. Thanks, Charles! This will be our 3rd transcontinental with PAC Tour. Certainly a great way to see the country. We would love to ride with you again . . . perhaps another Pyrenees adventure in the near future? Let's stay in touch. Hope all is well with you and yours.
